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All 2015 Seniors need to review the "Senior Year and Beyond Booklet" and see the appropriate counselor with questions.


The Dalton High School Counseling Staff is here to assist you in navigating through your senior year toward a successful future.  Please let us know how we may assist you. 

Applying to College/University


Narrow down your list of college/universities and DECIDE where you are going to apply.  You should apply to at least one REACH school - the school of your dreams, one RANGE school - a school you are pretty sure will admit you, and a SAFETY school - a good college that you have a solid chance of being admitted.  

How do I apply to college?

1) Submit college application

2) Pay college application fee if there is one

3) Submit test scores from College Board and/or ACT

4) Send high school transcript (see Ms. Putnam in counseling office)

5) Request counselor and/or teacher recommendation if required


College Admissions Exams - SAT & ACT - Have you taken one?


A SAT and/or ACT test score is required for admission to most colleges and universities.  If you have not already registered for one of these college admissions tests and you are a senior, you need to register now. Please click below for more information on these exams.


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