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AIM - Academic Individualized Mentoring

AIM stands for Academic Individualized Mentoring.  Our goal at DHS is to provide individualized attention, relationships, and academic planning for each and every student.  Therefore, every student is assigned to an AIM mentor.  Mentors include trained members of the faculty, counseling office, and administration.  We utilize as many adults in our building as possible to keep the student/mentor ratio as low as possible.  Currently, the ratio is about 16:1. AIM groups are made up of randomly assigned students in the same Cohort (graduation year) and we are scheduled to meet several times throughout the year.  AIM sessions will focus on the individual student's progress toward graduation (graduation checklist and transcript review), grades, attendance, career goals, social/emotional issues such as Digital Citizenship, and additional topics to be determined.  AIM is intended to evolve based on the needs of our student body and stakeholder feedback.  Stay tuned for more information on our AIM schedule and objectives......

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