Lesche Woman's Club Scholarship
The Lesche Club of Dalton, a literary group of women from Whitfield and Murray Counties, will award a $1,200 college scholarship to one area female student who will graduate from any of the Dalton, Whitfield or Murray high schools and will attend Dalton State College or any University System of Georgia college. As many female students as wish may apply.
The criteria for choosing a recipient are the following:
1. Female student planning to attend any University System of Georgia college
2. Goal of earning a four-year degree in the humanities, which includes English, philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, drama, history and language history; literature; philosophy and ethics; foreign languages and cultures; linguistics and speech communication, communications or journalism; jurisprudence or philosophy of law; archaeology; comparative religion; the history, theory, and criticism of the arts; and certain social sciences (anthropology, sociology, psychology, political science, government, and economics).
3. A very good high school academic record
4. A variety of high school activities
5. Community service
We encourage the applicants to follow the directions accurately to have a chance of receiving the scholarship.
The deadline for receiving applications to my address is April 1:
Kathryn Sellers, 506 Fairview Drive, Dalton, GA 30720
The scholarship will be presented at the student’s Honors night at the winner’s high school.